Pro Anavar 50mg 50tabs Beligas Pharmaceuticals




Product and Laboratory: PRO ANAVAR by Beligas Pharmaceuticals

Effects: Lean Muscle Gain, fat burning, increased strength

Ingredients: Oxandrolone

Form: Oral

Concentration: 50 mg/tab

Presentation: 50 tabs (Total box 2500 mg)

Dosage: 30-80mg per day over the course of 6 – 8 weeks


30-40mg per day50-60mg per day70-80mg per day5-15mg per day

Protection during treatment: liver protection (Samarin) / tamoxifen (Nolvadex)

Pct post cycle therapy: tamoxifen (Nolvadex) / HCG / Clomifene (Clomid) / Anastrozole (Arimidex)

Stack: Winstrol / Clenbuterol / T3 / Trenbolone / Growth Hormone (All Varieties) /

Level: Suitable for all users

Oxandrolone By Beligas Pharmaceuticals (Anavar 50 mg Pills)

For a long time, Anavar 50 mg pills have been used as an integral part of the cutting phase due their potential for burning body fat , boosting strength while leaving the lean tissue levels unaffected even if your diet is low in calories.

Oxandrolone is a product of Beligas Pharmaceuticals, one of the leading manufacturers of anabolic products in the world. There’s no doubt Oxandrolone is the top-most variant of oxandrolone today which is why we are confident to recommend it to you.

Benefits Of Anavar

Anavar works best during the cutting phase for a good reason; aside from being exemplary effective, users do not experience a lot of risks at the end of their cycle. And while it does not contribute too much towards muscle building, it works wonders in speeding up the lean tissue growth.

Outlined are the benefits of Anavar:

Enhanced ability to retain nitrogen which is key in preserving muscle mass

Heightened strength

Boosted nutrient uptake

Heightened potential for oxygen uptake

Enhanced recovery

Strengthens anabolic properties which helps in muscle growth

Quickened fat burning capabilities

Enhanced muscle dryness

During the cutting phase, Anavar serves as a vital product for guaranteed explicit muscles. Its gentle nature renders it extremely crucial thanks to its ability to help in strength gains and improving potential for recovery. However, while it is considered a lesser AAS type, there are still some side effects to look out for when using anavar; luckily, there are simple ways of countering them.

Additional information

active substance


Amount of substance, mg


release form


1 tablet, mg



Beligas Pharmaceuticals

order size

Bag (50 tablets)


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